Museum of Keynesian

Located in Kuwait City near Shuwaikh Beach and tells the story of Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait … Come see the museum and get up in the museum’s huts and show the flags of the countries that participated in the liberation of the State of Kuwait and the 33 countries.

After two days we searched inside the museum and saw how they were living Kuwaitis before the appearance of oil .. They were living on the sea and diving and pearls

Stereotype of the old Kuwaiti homes on the sea Yal.

One of the gates of ancient Kuwait.

Sheikh Mubarak’s booth overlooking the market.

Come and see the panorama of the brutal invasion.

The beginning of the invasion of the Saddam invasion forces on Kuwait at dawn on Thursday 2/8/1990.

Access to Kuwait City

Attacking Dasman Palace

Incursion into Kuwait City

Attacking army camps and the National Guard

The resistance gathers in the posts

Checkpoints in the areas

Checkpoints in the areas

Houses of martyrs of the Qurain

Kuwaiti demonstrations at the beginning of the invasion

Do not comment

They eat junk


The drums of war began to kneel and the Saddam army began planting mines

Landmines for laying mines

Driving room


The most important Shi TV shelter

Expatriate expatriates from Kuwait

Burning oil wells

The beginning of the war to liberate Kuwait

The story of a martyr

Families Day

Home inspection

Execution in front of his family’s house not to forget

O Allah, grant mercy to our martyrs and make them dwell in paradise